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Workouts and upcoming events

December 26, 2019


December 25, 2019

Info e programma:

Il ritrovo è alle 9.45 presso il Ristorante il Centro Visite Gradina a Doberdò - GO-


1-Percorso di circa  14K con dislivello 400m+  per runners o camminatori veloci

Il percorso sterrato panoramico passa per Casa Cadorna e si congiunge con il Sentiero 79 Abramo Schmid che ripercorre la traccia utilizzata dalle pattuglie di confine lungo la vecchia frontiera della ex Jugoslavia. Raggiunto Jamiano si prosegue per Arupa Cupa per poi fare il giro del lago e rientrare a Gradina

2- Percorso panoramico di circa 5K adatto alle famiglie che raggiunge Casa Cadorna e scende al lago per poi risalire ad anello a Gradina 

(NOTA Per chi non è nostro socio: essendo un allenamento condiviso ognuno è responsabile di se stesso.) 

info e adesioni +393485738960



Un bel giro per raggiungere Castelmonte di corsa o in MTB su sentieri segnati per l’occasione da Claudio Cettolo


Per finire , un pranzetto assieme in zona partenza/arrivo


A breve tutti i dettagli


Una giornata di sport e Relax al centro Welness S.P.A. Avalon di Borgo Grotta a TS con il nostro istruttore Daniele Samar

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in January
in January
April 13, 2019

Past events

Training Sprint Gorizia

Sprint distance group training on the routes of the historic Gorizia Triathlon.

SATURDAY 13 APRIL 2019 , MEETING at 8:30 am in the parking lot on the right before the Gorizia swimming pool.

Swimming takes place in the pool over a distance of 1500m, the first and the others to climb. It is expected and reaching the transition area together outside the pool. Short simulation T1 and T2 and then continue with the Bike path that climbs Mount San Michele with a single lap.

Try to conquer the KOM on STRAVA of the segment created "ad hoc". The challenge is open !!

The Run instead has 2 laps passing through the Espomego and the Isonzo Park.

For the more trained, we continue with a further combined Bike & Run

Followed by a shower and lunch all together !!

21-26 April

Destination Lošinj

Join the group that on Tuesday 21 April will leave by bike to reach the city of Mali Lošinj Grande (HR) and pass the long weekend of 25 April in company.

The program includes a meeting at the Lupi di Sistiana at about 9 with the first stop passing through the enchanting Ciceria plateau up to Lovran where we will spend the night and then continue to our destination the following day. During your stay we train because the Lignano Sprint awaits us upon our return !!

For info and accommodation on site ask Criko.

And if you don't have a free bridge, come to the first stop anyway, the route is worth it!

Reached Lošinj and after an adequate rest and salt reintegration we will spend the following days with running training, a few strokes in the water, walks and trips to discover the island and its inhabitants.



Gallery 2017

Summer appointment

Sistiana Beach Training

Sprint distance group training

Lignano is imminent so we will do mini triathlons / aquathlon to become familiar with the ZC, wetsuit etc.

Meeting at the bay of Sistiana TS at the end of the descent

The routes are on STRAVA and those who want can store them on their profile so as to have a track on the day of training to follow or at least have a look at it.

We will try to make groups with a pacer who guides them who knows the path.

The spirit, as always, is the fun and passion that unites us.

It is not a race

Obligatory final refreshment!

Percorso SWIM

Percorso all'interno della baia con utilizzo di boe per allenare l'orientamento e la "vista"

Percorso BIKE

Percorso vallonato di 20 con circa 500m dislivello+ che attraversa i paesi di Slivia, Prepotto , Aurisina. Nella variante atipica 30K anche Gabrovizza

Percorso RUN

Suggestivo percorso panoramico di 5.5K sul sentiero Rilke che percorre a strapiombo la costa fino a Duino

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